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Superconductor giant railroad

A train riding smoothly along 19 metre long tracks!
Author: Wiebe Berkelaar, Delft, Netherlands, Wiebe[at]
Online since: 30/09/2010, Number of visits: 370839
This spectacular superconductor railroad was designed and built by (specialist in regulation technology) for the Science Centre Delft in The Netherlands.
Arrangement of the block magnets
Arrangement of the block magnets
The orange train levitates over 19 metre (!) long tracks, to which 4500 Q-10-10-05-N block magnets were attached.
Filling station with funnel for nitrogen
Filling station with funnel for nitrogen
The train contains two superconductors that make it levitate as soon as they are cooled down severely. The cooling down is accomplished with liquid nitrogen. The nitrogen clouds look awesome in front of a dark background!
Elevator at the beginning
Elevator at the beginning
As soon as the superconductors are cold enough, the train levitates to an elevator and is lifted up about 80 cm. At that height, the train levitates along the whole track.
It develops an impressive speed, because it only has to overcome the aerodynamic resistance - there is no friction on the ground. To make sure the train won't get too fast, it is slowed down at two places on the tracks. At the end of the tracks the train reaches the filling station again, and it can begin its journey all over again.
The entire creation
The entire creation

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